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About Us

Founded by long-time New York internet entrepreneur Kevin Ryan, AlleyCorp founds and invests in transformative companies in New York and across the world. Responsible for building and investing in some of the earliest and most iconic tech companies in New York, including MongoDB (NASDAQ: MDB), Business Insider, Gilt Groupe, Zola, and Nomad Health, we are proud to sit at the center of a robust and growing tech ecosystem.

A seasoned team of startup operators, we launch new companies every year at our New York headquarters. When we incubate, we originate the idea, hire the team, provide initial funding, launch the company, and maintain integral leadership throughout the company’s lifecycle. Our founders become part of our family and often work with us again on future ideas and ventures.

As one of the most active early-stage investors in New York, we share the founder’s mindset because we’re founders too. We invest primarily in pre-seed and seed rounds (often as the first check in) and make select Series A investments. We recognize that beyond an idea, the keys to building a successful company are team and execution. Like our incubations, we are a partner to our companies at every stage of development, all the way from pitch deck through IPO.

We now invest across dedicated verticals for Diversified Technology, Healthcare, Robotics, and Economic Infrastructure.

For more information about AlleyCorp or our investments, please contact us.